Thursday, 3 December 2015

Task 7


  • Learner Roles


- Use social networks
Teacher: What are social networks?
Ersel, Nilsu: Facebook, twitter
Teacher: Yes, what else?
Zehra, Betül: Whatsapp, instagram…
Teacher: Yes, you are right. We say social networks to them.
Teacher:What do we understand from the word “formal”? Do you know what it means ?
Münir: Is it like official things?
Teacher: Yes, exactly. It means official, not sincere, serious. You can remember from “formlu, formu olan”


Teacher: What is the meaning of informal?
(She underlined the prefix “in”)
She helped them to recognize it so they can associate it with their previous knowledge about prefix “in”. Therefore they can discover the meaning of word on their own.
Teacher: What can the meaning of “keep in touch” be? You can make association by looking at “touch”. You are familiar with it.
Teacher: What is the meaning of “Tina speaking”? Does it mean “ Tina konuşuyor” like a pilot :)
Teacher: I want you to be aware of this structure. It means “ I am Tina”. You can use it in everyday speech.

Mert: “Communication” means “iletişim”, doesn’t it?
Umut: Teacher how did we understand that this conversation was informal?
Nurdan: What is the meaning of “at the moment” ?
Teacher told them also the other time units.
Recorder of Information

Teacher utilized the smart board to show the vocabulary of the unit. And wanted them to write it down to their notebooks.
Teacher always wants students to look up the vocabulary of the unit she will teach and record them on their books. She gives + or – to control their homework by asking the meaning of the words one by one. 
Teacher mentioned about the present perfect tense quickly and wanted them to take it note.

  • Roles and Functions of a Teacher

     In the classroom I observe, teacher’s role is generally manager and provider. Actually, functions and roles are strictly related to differentiate them is highy hard. But this is my matching;


     a- Diagnostician
     b- Planner
     c- Manager
     d- Provider


  1. To find out (as far and consistently as possible) the needs, interests, language difficulties and preferred learning styles of the students.
  2. To cater for  students’ needs, interests (as far as group exigencies allow).
  3. To foster a group feeling (cooperation, liking, common aims, mutual cinfidence, etc.)
  4. To ensure that learners have clear short and long term learning objectives.
  5. To assess the progress of individuals and of the class as a whole.
  6. To ensure that learners are aware of their progress.
  7. To encourage students to take responsibility for their learning.
  8. To vary patterns of interaction within the lesson according to the precise aims and the nature/ feeling of the group.
  9. To ensure that students find their involvement sufficiently challenging.
  10. To analyse and present realistic “chunks” of the target language for students to process.
  11. To select and introduce activities and materials for language work.
  12. To help students develop positive, individual strategies for learning.

1- A

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