1- Teachers should interrupt learner when they make a misteke error if it is an accuracy-based activity.
2- Teachers can give delayed feedbach in the following situation: in a fluency-based activity.
3- Some errors or mistakes should remain uncorrected by the teacher, for example; in the middle of a group work, maybe a shy student trying to talk.
4- Teachers can correct learners in different ways according to the type of tasks which they do, for example; during fluency activities, errors are totally ignored, if the aim is accuracy, you might correct more frequently.
5- Teachers can vary their error correction strategies according to learners' personalities
, by correcting shy learners less or vice versa.
6- Teachers can help learners to self-correct or to correct each other's spoken error by stressing the incorrect form, repeating the sentence with a questioning intonation, asking other learners for the correct form...
7- Some advantages of self correction and peer correction are
"you know how much learners do and do not know, learners feel more confident and indepen
8- Some disadvantages of self-correction and peer correction are "some learners might feel superior to others and the one who is corrected might feel frustrated"
9- Five practical ways of giving feedback on spoken errors are;
1) intonation
2) peer correction
3) making notes (delayed correction)
4) eliciting of the correct answer
5) body language correction.
10- I have learnt the following about giving feedback on spoken errors in this task; how much important delayed correction is and wrong error correction can demotivate students.

Situation 4: In this situation, I wouldn't use an immediate correction, I use reformulation and say:
- Oh, your grandmother is seventy-three ?
Situation 10: I don't correct immediately, I wait for the end of the actvity and if the students repeats the error three or four times, I correct his/her mistake at the end of the activity.
Situation 8: I correct the error immediately but gently because the error is common in the class.
Situation 5: I correct the error gently and immediately because if I don't correct it right then, she/he can learn it wrongly.
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